Learn to thrive with migraine

Take back control of your life

My online health coaching program is designed to help you find relief using holistic solutions to find your unique headache cause and triggers. How to avoid or overcome your triggers, and better yet how to increase your resilience for better health. That way you no longer feel like migraine is in control.

Free Migraine Threshold Quiz

Testing your migraine threshold is the first step toward increasing it and learning to thrive despite migraines! Use this tool to understand your baseline. Retest anytime to monitor your progress and guide your migraine care journey, bringing you closer to thriving with migraines.

How I help

Education & Resources

Learn everything you need to know about migraine and your health through educational videos, worksheets, and other resources.

Tracking in App

We use tracking to better understand your triggers, progress, lifestyle and root causes of migraine so that you know what helps and what doesn’t.


It’s easy to lose focus but with coaching support you have ongoing accountability to keep you on track.


As your coach, I facilitate your journey by assisting you in overcoming obstacles, providing emotional guidance, and discerning patterns in your health to tailor personalized wellness plans.

What my clients are saying

Sabrina S.

Biology Teacher

Carissa has given me so much quality of life back and has significantly improved my migraines with small changes. I actually thought that as a biology teacher I had a good understanding and that I already knew a lot about migraines from the numerous studies I had already read, but Carissa showed me that there is so much more. She has such a wealth of knowledge about migraines, it's truly incredible. I have been suffering from migraines for 30 years now and during my numerous visits to the doctor, no one has been able to help me as well as Carissa. I feel like so many people with migraines have come to terms with their situation after so many negative experiences, but you shouldn't, give it one last chance, I'm convinced it will be totally worth it!!! Since Carissa also offers online sessions, you can use it from any country. I met Carissa on my vacation and so I received her full support from Canada to Germany via video conference or WhatsApp - it was possible to ask her questions about it at any time, which she answered super quickly.

Jennifer S.

Ph.D., Food Studies

I have had migraine attacks over the past 10+ years and sought support from Carissa after the type of migraine attacks I was having shifted dramatically to include basilar aura symptoms. I have also previously sought advice from doctors, neurologists, yoga teachers, etc. but was unable to find the right fit that truly made a difference. Since starting to work with Carissa, however, I feel like I've been able to gain a big part of my life back (those of you with migraine know all too well how much these attacks can shut down your life). Carissa has helped me to systematize my approach to migraine, identifying triggers that I didn't even know were triggers before starting to work with her. It's a huge relief to not feel so isolated in living with migraine and to have someone who deeply understands the unique challenges of this health issue who can knowledgeably and empathetically provide support. As an added bonus, my overall health has improved due to our work together (stress management, energy, immune system), and I have been able to massively reduce the amount of medication (and essentially eliminate my need for migraine medications) thanks to the holistic approach tailored to my specific needs that Carissa has taken with me.

Link to Google Review

Marc S.

Carissa is the most knowledgeable person I met so far when it comes to migraines and non medical treatment with a holistic approach . I’ve been getting migraines for over 10 years after a concussion and nothing except medication seemed to help . The migraines I’m getting have drastically improved since working with Carissa ( according to the migraine tracking app I get 75% less migraines now , with lower intensity ) . With Carissa’s help we’ve pinpointed my triggers and adjusted my lifestyle accordingly. She was the first one who explained to me in depth what types of headaches there are , what causes them and what steps to take to lower the frequency, intensity and duration . This includes changes in nutrition , physical exercises , Craniosacral therapy ( very relaxing ! ) and reframing thinking patterns that would cause stress and anxiety . Carissa truly cares and I always feel safe and comfortable during our coaching sessions . My overall health improved so much with the help of her coaching . For other men : if you’re hesitant or worried about getting in touch don’t wait any longer . Men get migraines too and it’s absolutely ok to talk about it and take action!

Link to Google Review

Health Coaching For Migraineurs

If you are someone who struggles with migraines, I invite you to book a free consultation with me. I will provide you with valuable insights and help you determine the next steps in your migraine journey.

Talking to someone who understands the challenges of migraines can make a significant difference. During the consultation, we will listen to your experiences and tailor our recommendations to suit your specific needs.

Reach out.

Whether you have a query regarding booking a consultation, collaboration, or any other matter, feel free to get in touch.

Learn more about Sage Migraine Solutions Coaching