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Different headache and migraine types
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Different headache and migraine types

If you've ever experienced a migraine, you know just how debilitating it can be. Unfortunately, there are still many misconceptions about what a migraine really is. Contrary to popular belief, a migraine is not just a really bad headache. In fact, there are many different types of headaches, and understanding what type of headache you're experiencing is crucial to finding the right treatment. Each type of headache has its own unique causes and remedies, so it's important to know the difference. By educating ourselves and others about the different types of headaches, we can work towards better managing and even preventing them in the future.

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The role of magnesium in migraine management
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The role of magnesium in migraine management

If you're a migrainer chances are you've heard about magnesium and how it can be helpful for migraines. And if you haven't heard about how magnesium can be helpful for migraine or maybe you just got your diagnosis no worries I'm going to tell you all about it in this blog. But if you’ve been in the migraine world a while I know you don't want to hear yet another person say to you “ why don't you just try magnesium I heard that can help migraines”. And that's not what this blog is about. In this blog I want to tell you a bit more about the why and the how behind magnesium and why it might be helpful for you.

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The complexities of caffeine and migraine: Remedy or trigger?
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The complexities of caffeine and migraine: Remedy or trigger?

It is perhaps our society’s biggest addiction.

Many of us love it. And yet we’ve all heard the warnings about having too much of it.

If you are prone to migraines you may have heard there is a connection between migraines and caffeine. You might have heard how coffee and other forms of caffeine can help when you have a migraine. Or you might have heard how drinking too much coffee can cause migraines.

Well, it turns out both of these statements are in fact true!

Are you confused yet? Well, let me explain.

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Migraine and exercise
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Migraine and exercise

Are you hesitant to exercise because you're worried it might trigger a migraine? You're not alone. For many people, physical activity is a common trigger for migraines, and the last thing you want to do is trigger another migraine. However, while it's true that exercise can be a trigger for migraines, it's also true that exercise can be a powerful preventative tool for managing your migraines. The key is finding ways to exercise that don't trigger a migraine, and incorporating physical activity into your migraine prevention plan.

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